The Negroni cocktail is a drink made with Gin, Campari, and Vermouth!
The drink is listed also listed as an IBA official.
Negroni Cocktail Origin
The Negroni is easy to make and refreshingly bitter. It was invented in Florence in the early 20th Century by the ingenious Italian Count Camillo Negroni. He demanded that the bartender make his favorite cocktail, the Americano, but with a twist by replacing the soda water with gin at Bar Casoni, Florence. To differentiate the drink, the bartender used an orange peel instead of the usual lemon peel.
It is a well-known tale that was published in " Sulle Tracce del Conte" by Lucca Picchi. This book, which was written by Lucca Picchi (head bartender at Caffe Rivoire, Florence), describes the story of the Negroni Cocktail. The Negroni was also a catalyst for countless riffs. Today, the Negroni is available in many iterations at bars and restaurants around the globe.
The 100-year-old Negroni has inspired more experimentation than any other cocktail. The Negroni's unique combination of Campari, gin, and sweet Vermouth is the foundation on which generations have built their careers. The Boulevardier is an excellent cocktail with nearly the same structure. Substitute bourbon in place of gin. You can also switch to rum or mezcal with Campari and sweet Vermouth in the same proportions. The results will be very different but equally impressive.
Modify The Negroni Cocktail
You don't have to change the base spirit. There are many other ways to modify the Negroni. You can also influence the final result by choosing the right Vermouth. You'll be able to tell the difference by choosing one that is bitter, herbal, or floral. Campari? It almost always stays the same. Some bartenders will allow you to experiment with different bitter liqueurs. Campari, however, is something nearly all Negronis share.
How do you create the perfect mix of classic and modern? Select the right base ingredients. A gin-vermouth combination that compliments rather than overwhelm Campari's bitter and bold flavors is the key to making a fabulous Negroni. Once you have found the winning trio, write it down and remember it so you can request it at your favorite bar. You will gain respect from the barkeep, impress the count, and most importantly, enjoy a great drink.
Recommended Equipment
- Take a whiskey glass.
- Add a big ice cube.
- Add your ingredients.
- Stir it cold.
- Serve!