The Pornstar Martini cocktail. A mixed-base drink built with vanilla vodka, champagne, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and passion fruit!
Pornstar Martini History
Douglas Ankrah the founder of LAB bar in London invented the pornstar martini cocktail in 1999. He wanted to create a drink that evoked style and confidence.
Although there has been some controversy about the name, it has most likely helped to popularize the cocktail to the icon it is known to be today!
The drink is not a true martini but it is served in a martini glass, with a shot of prosecco. As a way of reducing the sweetness, the dry sparkling wine was added so that it could be enjoyed in the middle of the martini. A lot of people add sparkling wine as an ingredient and not just as an aside.
Let’s forget about the second half of this drink’s name for a moment. Some say that its creator, bartender Douglas Ankrah, thought it was what a porn star would order; other stories say that he was inspired by the smell of a stripper's perfume. In any case, this crowd-pleasing combination of vanilla and passion fruit accompanied by a shot of sparkling wine has been adopted by bars all over the world; it's certainly a star!
Pornstar Martini
Recommended Equipment
- 50 ml Vanilla Vodka
- 30 ml Lemon juice
- 30 ml Sugar syrup
- 1.5 Passion fruit
- 3 ml Champagne
- Mix the vodka, lemon juice, sugar syrup, and the inside of 1 hole passion fruit.
- Now take a stick mixer and mix the drink hard. You should break the little seeds, and the drink should become thicker.
- Now pour the mixed liquid into a shaker, add ice, and shake it cold.
- Now double strain the drink into a cocktail glass, you double strain so you get rid of the crushed passion fruit seeds.
- Garnish the drink with a passion fruit half placed on the foam top.
- Add a 30 ml shot glass with champagne on the side, pour in right before you are about to drink.